Luteovirus-Polerovirus Group Test
This test reacts with a variety of viruses assigned to the genera Luteovirus or Polerovirus. The list below represents virus species that have been experimentally detected with our Luteovirus-Polerovirus Group PCR and confirmed by sequencing.
- Barley yellow dwarf virus-mav (BYDV-mav)
- Barley yellow dwarf virus-pav (BYDV-PAV)
- Barley yellow dwarf virus-rmv (BYDV-RMV)
- Barley yellow dwarf virus-sgv (BYDV-SGV)
- Bean leafroll virus (BLRV)
- Beet western yellows virus (BWYV)
- Carrot red leaf virus (CRLV)
- Cereal yellow dwarf virus (CYDV-RPV)
- Cotton leafroll dwarf virus (CLRDV)
- Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus (CABYV)
- Pea leafroll virus (PeLRV)
- Potato leaf roll virus (PLRV)
- Soybean dwarf virus (SbDV)
- Sugarcane yellow leaf virus (SYLV)
- Turnip yellows virus (TuYV)
The list below represents virus species that have not been experimentally detected, but based on in silico analysis, will likely be detected with our Luteovirus-Polerovirus Group PCR. If you have a sample of one of these pathogens, please contact
- Apple associated luteovirus (AaLV)
- Apple luteovirus 1 (ALV1)
- Barley yellow dwarf virus-gav (BYDV-GAV)
- Barley yellow dwarf virus Ker-II (BYDV-KerII)
- Barley yellow dwarf virus Ker-III (BYDV-KerIII)
- Barley yellow dwarf virus-pas (BYDV-PAS)
- Beet chlorosis virus (BChV)
- Beet mild yellowing virus (BMYV)
- Brassica yellows virus (BrYV)
- Cereal yellow dwarf virus -rps (CYDV-rps)
- Cotton bunchy top virus (CBTV)
- Cowpea polerovirus I (CPPV1)
- Cowpea polerovirus II (CPPV2)
- Maize yellow mosaic virus (MaYMV)
- Melon aphid-borne yellows virus (MABYV)
- Pepper vein yellows virus (PepVYV)
- Pepper yellow leaf curl virus (PYLCV)
- Pepper yellows virus (PepYV)
- Rose spring dwarf-associated virus (RSDaV)
- Suakwa aphid-borne yellows virus (SAbYV)
- Tobacco vein distorting virus (TVDV)
- Wheat yellow dwarf virus-gpv (WYDV-gpv)
Pathogens are added to these lists as they are shown to be detected by in vitro or in silico analysis. Check here regularly for updates.