Company News

Picture of orchid leaf with dual virus infection

In our first installment, we introduced viral pathogens and their devious ability to ma...

You look at your orchid collection with longing and pride, knowing that the beauty befo...

CGMMV symptoms on cucurbit leaf

CGMMV belongs to the Tobamovirus family, like the Tomato Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV). This tobamovirus, which causes disease in cucurbits, was first detected in

You know you can’t reliably spot a viroid spreading in your grow room. You&rsq...

AmplifyRP LAMP master mix product image

Agdia, a market leader in diagnostic products and services, is happy to announce the release of a LAMP master mix product for researchers in all life science industries.

Symptoms of PVY on a potato tuber

Agdia is pleased to announce the launch of a new product that simplifies and speeds up the sample purification process for RT-qPCR-based detection of Potato Virus Y (PVY). Agdia’s new ImmunoCapture...

Close up image of a cannabis plant sample being placed in a testing tube.

Discover the ROI of on-site plant pathogen testing, explore alternatives, and protect your yields from threats like HLVd.

Image of ImmunoStrip for detection of Capsicum chlorosis virus

Agdia, Inc., a market leader in plant diagnostics, is happy to announce the commercialization of a product for detection of Capsicum chlorosis virus (CaCV) on their popular ImmunoStrip® platform...

Image of ImmunoComb for detection of plant viruses with tree in the background

Agdia, Inc. is happy to announce the addition of a new product to their ImmunoComb® line to help growers detect and combat plant viruses that share a common vector...

Image of ImmunoComb for detection of plant viruses with grass in the background

Agdia, Inc. is happy to announce the addition of a new product to their ImmunoComb® line to help growers detect and combat plant viruses that share a common vector...

Cannabis plant stem held by blue-gloved hands

Testing is the best way to diagnose your cannabis plant pathogens. But if you’re curious about common cannabis pathogen symptoms and what they mean, click here.

A potato-tomato psyllid adult on a leaf

Agdia, a market leader in plant diagnostic products and services, is happy to announce the release of a new rapid molecular assay for the detection of Zebra chip disease

Image of cucumber production in greenhouse

Agdia, a market leader in plant diagnostic products and services, is happy to announce the release of a new rapid molecular assay for the detection of CABYV (Cucurbit aphid-borne yellows virus)

Image of soybean field

Agdia, Inc., a market leader in plant diagnostic products and services, is happy to announce the commercialization of products for the detection of Cowpea mild mottle virus on ELISA and ImmunoStrip® platforms.

Image of male cannabis plant

Agdia, a market leader in plant diagnostic products and services, is happy to announce the release of StudFinder™, a molecular diagnostic test for sex determination in Cannabis.

Agdia's new TMB Peroxidase Substrate offerings

Agdia is happy to announce the commercial release of a critical visualization reagent commonly used by diagnostic providers in all industries.

Image of Botrytis cinerea conidia

Agdia, Inc. of Elkhart, IN is happy to announce the commercial release of a rapid isothermal molecular assay for the detection of Botrytis cinerea on their AmplifyRP® XRT platform.

Image of aphid feeding on plant

Agdia, Inc., a market leader in plant diagnostics, is happy to announce the commercialization of a product for detection of Bean yellow mosaic virus on their popular ImmunoStrip® platform. Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) is a member of the...

Image of ImmunoComb for detection of plant viruses with flowers in the background

Agdia, Inc. is happy to announce the addition of a new product to their ImmunoComb® line to help growers detect and combat plant viruses that cause similar symptoms in addition to sharing a common insect...

Image of a table showing results comparison between new rapid molecular test and other established methods for blueberry scorch virus

Agdia, Inc. is happy to announce the launch of a new rapid, field-deployable RNA-based assay for detection of Blueberry scorch virus (BlScV). The new test outperforms all commercially available...

Humans seem to be hardwired for success in the manipulation of our subjective environments via technological advancements in agriculture, communication, construction, energy production, medicine and transportation. Unfortunately, the progress meant...

Demystifying Diagnostics Part 4

Over my last three installments, I introduced everyone to the lateral flow device, discussed antibodies and provided a crash course in the functional components of the ImmunoStrip®. This final installment will bring...

Demystifying diagnostics part 3

The ImmunoStrip® is composed of multiple functional components that must work together systematically to be effective. Altering a single component can alter test performance and final result. Therefore, it is imperative to understand the functional...

Demystifying diagnostics part 2

Hopefully, you now have a general understanding of what antibodies are and their importance to our health through adaptive immunity. Nevertheless, as I acknowledged at the conclusion of part one, you might be wondering what part antibodies play in the development of a lateral flow device such as the ImmunoStrip®. This is an excellent question, and it will be...